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In 2024, superconductivity was discovered in three distinct materials, two of which challenged the textbook understanding of the phenomenon, while the third completely defied it. These discoveries, according to physicist Ashvin Vishwanath, represent an extremely unusual form of superconductivity that was previously thought impossible. These instances of superconductivity arise in devices assembled from flat sheets of atoms, demonstrating unprecedented flexibility and a range of behaviors. This has sparked a revolution in materials science and supercharged the hunt for superconductivity.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that diverse causes can give rise to superconductivity, much like how different wing structures enable various creatures to fly. While researchers continue to investigate the specific mechanisms at play in these two-dimensional materials, they anticipate that the growing variety of superconductors will help them achieve a more universal understanding of this fascinating phenomenon.
The mystery of superconductivity has been gradually unraveled over the past century. In 1957, scientists John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer developed a theory of phonon-based superconductivity, which earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1972. However, this theory was not the end of the story. In the 1980s, physicists discovered that copper-filled crystals called cuprates could superconduct at higher temperatures, where atomic jiggles wash out phonons, indicating that there were still more secrets to uncover about this alluring phenomenon.
"It seems to be, in materials, that superconductivity is everywhere," said Matthew Yankowitz, a physicist at the University of Washington, encapsulating the pervasive and enigmatic nature of this phenomenon.