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The X-37B is currently on its seventh mission. Its sixth mission, which concluded in November 2022, was its longest to date, lasting about two-and-a-half years (or 908 days). The Space Force has outlined mission goals that include operating in new orbital regimes and testing future space domain awareness technologies. Additionally, the mission involves an onboard NASA experiment that focuses on studying the effects of radiation exposure on plant seeds during long spaceflight missions.
The recently published photo was taken during a unique aerobraking maneuver. This maneuver aims to change the plane's orbit using minimal fuel. The strategy involves the plane making a series of passes through Earth's atmosphere, utilizing atmospheric drag to alter its trajectory. Once this maneuver is complete, the X-37B will resume its other experiments before de-orbiting.
The Space Force says it snapped the photo during experimental first-of-kind aerobraking maneuvers to safely change its orbit using minimal fuel. This showcases the innovative strategies employed in space exploration and the potential for advancements in fuel efficiency.